Friday, September 20, 2013


Tuesday was not a typical day:

It was crazy (or silly, I can't remember) sock day at school.  CC wore her magic moose socks from Alaska.  Thanks Granddad and Grammy Roz!
a little blurry.

Henry figured out that he can turn the water to the bathtub on.  I let him play with it until I got nervous about the utility bill.

My dad came over and watched Henry so Brian and I could go on a date.  B brought bagels, we stopped for coffee and we were of to shoot all of the guns!  We will categorize this as a 'for Brian' date.

CC has had a loose tooth for months that finally came out: 
This picture is after she was happier about it.
Initially, she was a little traumatized.
And we went to family night/breakfast for dinner/pajama party with our small group.  We haven't really been able to attend since Henry was born, so family nights are good to reconnect.  You know what picture I have? The meat muffins (eggs, turkey sausage, and cheese) I made!  

We were too busy having fun!  
Anyway, eventful day.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Sometimes your baby wrestles you for an hour before going to sleep. And you want to eat an entire tray of brownies, but you are trying to be you put m&ms on Greek yogurt.

Maybe should've taken a pic before I scarfed it down.