Friday, September 20, 2013


Tuesday was not a typical day:

It was crazy (or silly, I can't remember) sock day at school.  CC wore her magic moose socks from Alaska.  Thanks Granddad and Grammy Roz!
a little blurry.

Henry figured out that he can turn the water to the bathtub on.  I let him play with it until I got nervous about the utility bill.

My dad came over and watched Henry so Brian and I could go on a date.  B brought bagels, we stopped for coffee and we were of to shoot all of the guns!  We will categorize this as a 'for Brian' date.

CC has had a loose tooth for months that finally came out: 
This picture is after she was happier about it.
Initially, she was a little traumatized.
And we went to family night/breakfast for dinner/pajama party with our small group.  We haven't really been able to attend since Henry was born, so family nights are good to reconnect.  You know what picture I have? The meat muffins (eggs, turkey sausage, and cheese) I made!  

We were too busy having fun!  
Anyway, eventful day.


  1. I didn't get to try a meat muffin. They disappeared before I could grab one. :) Maybe I'll have to make them sometime.

  2. Um...meat muffins...what's the full recipe???

    1. Amanda, they're totally paleo friendly! I'll message you on fb
