Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Week

Last week it snowed a few different times.  Cumulatively, it was enough to let school out for most of the week.  Monday, I braved the treacherous roads and worked.  Tuesday, we took a little snow walk:
 Brian is an expert bundler - our kids will be warm.  He over bundled himself for this little walk and was steaming by the time we got home.

Wednesday, I picked up my niece and nephew so my sister could get in a few hours at work.  Chick-fil-a is always a hit:

Thursday was a day off - my third in a row!  Since I've been doing counseling at the church I haven't seen that many days off in a row unless I was on vacation.  I kind of couldn't believe it.  I had coffee with Jen Pence, swam, did grocery shopping, and spent some time with Jen Loveday.

Friday night after work, we got to play with the Sweet kids!  Our friends, Leslie and Nathan went on a date and we got to wrestle with these guys:

There was no actual wrestling involved, but there was a creepy baby doll, transformers, and a lot of dvr'd kids shows.

I love borrowing children.  Can't believe that soon enough we'll have a little one for others to borrow :)

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